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8 Week Weight Loss Workshop
Take back control of your life and achieve sustainable weight loss with this one of a kind workshop!
This workshop provides the tools for successful, healthy, safe and sustainable weight loss. The reason why most workshops and programs fail is because they only focus on two of the three critical components, diet and exercise. We have found that most people already know the right foods and exercises, but continue to struggle because they have not addressed the psychological aspects of weight, which is the third and most critical component to sustained success. This workshop will give you ALL the tools needed.
Start Date: February 13th
Frequency: Weekly on Wednesdays
Time and Duration: Each session runs from 7pm to 9:30pm
Number of sessions: 8 weeks
Cost: $595 per person
Capacity: We cap our workshop at 10 people to be able to provide care and attention to all attendees
Major components:
Gain insight into why you’re turning to food as a coping strategy
Create awareness of the situations that trigger your habits
Learn new cognitive strategies to help you overcome those situations and achieve your goals