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My work with relationships and marriages is rooted in the theory of attachment; how safe you feel to turn towards your partner in a moment or experience of vulnerability, for comfort and connection.
Does your partner answer the call for comfort consistently and reliably, so that you can expect that they will be there for you? Are they accessible, responsive and engaged with you during those difficult moments? If you both have this experience, what develops is a secure attachment. However, if you are not able to consistently and reliably be there for one another, what can result is disconnection, conflict and hurt.
Most of what we learn about relationships, attachment and connection is rooted in our first experience of attachment, which is with our primary caregivers. Were they accessible, responsive and engaged with you as a child, in times of sadness, fear and distress? Did they provide consistent and reliable comfort for you? Or were they unavailable to you, or harmful to you?
What we experience and learn about attachment and relationships early on, informs how we engage in relationships as adults. In our work together, we explore the patterns and cycles of conflict that you are your partner experience now, as well as your attachment histories that are showing up in the present relationship causing disconnection. We explore with curiosity and compassion the moves that you both make in your relationship, how they impact both of you, and how we can find new moves that make you both feel connected, loved and cherished.