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Our workshops are a powerful way to improve specific areas of your life at an affordable price and in a safe and nurturing environment.
If you have a specific area you would like to improve and prefer not to meet one on one, our workshops are an incredible resource that are both fixed in duration and cost effective.
Each workshop will have a set number of sessions, with a set duration, fixed price, a group of others with common goals, a safe and nurturing environment and takeaways that you can apply long after the completion of the workshop.

If you have tried dieting and exercise over and over again without being able to sustain results...we can help.
Weight loss is more pronounced and three times more sustainable in clients who receive a cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) program, yet most weight management solutions do not include a psychological variable.
This workshop offers a unique and sustainable approach to weight loss that focuses on the principles of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). There are four main components to the program that interact closely with each other: Education, Self-monitoring, Exercises and Feedback.
Outcomes of this workshop include:
Increased awareness of the triggers that lead to your habits
Working tools and skills to address difficult situations when they arise
New cognitive processes that will allow you to challenge your thinking and replace those habits with new, healthier behaviours

Stress is on the rise, and 50% say they need help in learning how to manage it more effectively.
In today’s world, we are always on, 24 X 7, with technology that has helped eliminate the barriers between work time and non-work time. Additionally, research has shown that being connected at all times by our devices leads to significantly higher levels of stress and depression. Add in the rest of "life as usual" like personal relationships, staying healthy, mortgage or rent payments, dating, raising children, and it's no surprise that we stressed.
Saibil Counselling & Consulting understands the complex nature of today’s varied and numerous stressors and the effects they have at the individual, family and systemic level. Our team and affiliates bring valuable expertise to facilitate a winning stress resiliency workshop that will provide sustainable solutions to prevent and manage stress.
Through this workshop, you’ll be able to:
Recognize the signs and symptoms of stress before they get in your way
Have the tools and skills necessary to help prevent and manage stress more effectively
Reduce health issues and risks, improve decision making by gaining greater clarity and improve overall mental and physical well being.

Learn to communicate better with your partner or in any relationship.
My work with relationships and marriages is rooted in the theory of attachment; how safe you feel to turn towards your partner in a moment or experience of vulnerability, for comfort and connection.
Does your partner answer the call for comfort consistently and reliably, so that you can expect that they will be there for you? Are they accessible, responsive and engaged with you during those difficult moments? If you both have this experience, what develops is a secure attachment. However, if you are not able to consistently and reliably be there for one another, what can result is disconnection, conflict and hurt.
Most of what we learn about relationships, attachment and connection is rooted in our first experience of attachment, which is with our primary caregivers. Were they accessible, responsive and engaged with you as a child, in times of sadness, fear and distress? Did they provide consistent and reliable comfort for you? Or were they unavailable to you, or harmful to you?
What we experience and learn about attachment and relationships early on, informs how we engage in relationships as adults. In our work together, we explore the patterns and cycles of conflict that you are your partner experience now, as well as your attachment histories that are showing up in the present relationship causing disconnection. We explore with curiosity and compassion the moves that you both make in your relationship, how they impact both of you, and how we can find new moves that make you both feel connected, loved and cherished.